Saturday, October 22, 2011

My shoulder hurts

Here in RI the leaves have not fallen or changed color yet. Everything is still green! It has been somewhat of a warm fall so far but that could change overnight. Well it is cold at night, but I mean the leaves could fall off overnight. In other news my left shoulder is killing me. It really started hurting yesterday when I woke up. I have no idea what it is from. Perhaps playing guitar, but when I played last night it did not hurt to play. I did move some heavy stuff at work, but I don't recall anything hurting right away. I'm pretty sure I would have felt it right away if I had a dislocated or separated shoulder, but I'm no doctor. All I know is that it hurts whenever I move my left arm. Putting on any shirt or jacket is quite painful and getting into a comfortable sleeping position (without pain) was tough. If the pain does not subside I may have to see a doctor...or at least take some aspirin. I hardly ever take anything for pain; I prefer to tough it out. I will take Nyquil though. That stuff is amazing. It knocks you right out and without it you usually have a night of delirium when you are really sick. You know the whole trail, I never took anything except benedryll on the last day. Others were popping tylenol like it was candy, but not me! Call it being macho or call it being stupid, all I know is that my shoulder really hurts.

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