Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Costuming Man

Halloween is upon us again, the days are getting shorter and colder, and alas, hiking season is long gone. My thoughts still dwell on the trail and the simple life, but less now. My arm feels so much better. Saturday it felt like it would fall off, and yesterday it feels normal. Crazy. Friday Night Magic this week involves wearing a costume. And since I am living out of a suitcase (new move in date for our apartment is December 1st...sigh) I don't have access to my army man or Jedi costumes. Joyful is a great seamstress but I'm not sure how much she can do when all she has is tomorrow. We went to the Halloween stores and the first one seemed expensive but I suppose being right next to the mall helps. The next one was more moderately priced but still, do I went to spend $50 on a costume that I will wear once? Actually I would be able to wear it twice: once on Friday night and once to work on Monday. Don't get me wrong. Dressing up is fun, but without all the free candy, its not worth it.

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