Saturday, September 24, 2011

Life...has it changed?

Plains by Ryan Pancoast - we got the card signed and a print
My first week of work is complete. Well, my first week back anyways. As I was driving home from the Innistrad Pre-release tonight I got to thinking about life. The pre-release is a chance to play with the the new Magic set a week before it comes out. It is a casual event, four rounds, and I won 2 matches. That got me 2 packs but it is more of a fun event and they had an artist there so we had him sign a bunch of cards. Joyful even got a couple of signed prints, which will look nice in our place. Speaking of which, we saw an apartment last night, 2 floors, 4 bed, 4 bath, new cabinets, dishwasher, etc, etc. Its a little expensive but it would be a great place to grow into. But then again if we are going to be spending money why don't we get a house instead?

As I was saying about life though. Work has made me think a lot about the trail. Sometimes I think that we did not accomplish much having only hiked 1015 miles, not the whole trail. I thought that this trip would change us and open doors for us. But we came back and went back to work. Work at the same job. Did anything really change? The trail may have been one of the hardest things we have ever done, both physically and mentally. Many times we just wanted to give up and quit. But we passed through everything nature could throw at us, for at least a thousand miles. So have I changed as a person? I believe so. Perhaps I thought life would be entirely different, perhaps I am impatient. My life has changed and indeed I am still a wanderer, no permanent home yet. The trail was a slow grind and perhaps life is too.

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