Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A tick on my...

I went to bed on Sunday night and felt an itch in my "private parts" as they say. Having brushed some ticks off my pants during my hike, I decided I better check it out. The spot I was itching turned out to be nothing, but I decided to do a full examination anyways. Sure enough, there was a tick on my testicle. During all the commotion Joyful had woke up, and she confirmed that indeed, it was a tick. So I opened up my multi-tool (the awesome light but very useful Gerber Cloth) and used the pliers to pull it out. A whole body search ensued and I pulled another tick off my thigh. Luckily they had not started sucking my blood. With all the ticks I've pulled off me the past year though, I am amazed I don't have Lyme or any other disease. But time will tell!

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