Joy passed her motorcycle class and can now get her permit! If she can stay incident free on a motorcycle for 30 days she can get her license! I would like to get her an older Ninja 250 that she can ride around and play with, but that probably won't happen for a while. To celebrate we went to the Kamelot concert up in Worcester. Well we actually bought the tickets before she signed up but it works. It was a small venue, maybe only 300 people, but the show was good. They are considered "symphonic metal" and even had some female vocals from guest singer Simone Simons of Epica. A small venue means standing or leaning all night and that gets tiring. We used to hike all day and standing for four hours is tiring...guess I am losing it.
We left Worcester, MA after twelve and had an hour drive home. Joy was in her car and I had my bike (taking it "home" to CT). We had not eaten much so we wanted to stop at a gas station for some snacks somewhere along the way. I remembered a rest stop on 395, I had no idea if it would be open late, but it was worth a try. But of course it was closed, like closed for repairs or renovations. It seems like whenever I am on the bike all the rest stops are closed! Not to worry though, we hit up a gas station fifteen minutes from home. They had just got their power back! Crazy that after 4 plus days people and businesses don't have power! I am thankful we got ours back the next day, but 4 days! This can't be good for the economy! Granted on the trail I went sometimes 5 or 6 days without electricity, but it fits the lifestyle. When I am in civilization I want electricity so that I can drink cold soda!
Speaking of the trail, I miss the simpleness of it. We have been looking at apartments, I should say apartment complexes, and they are going like crazy. A spot opens up and its taken the next day. We found a great place in Coventry, all utilities included, a town house. We could afford it when we start working, but you should see the application for the place. They want to know everything about you! BCI, credit, bank accounts, credit cards, renting references, last 4 pay stubs, etc, etc! Well its kind of hard when you have no job to apply for that sort of place so we will have to wait until we have worked a little bit. Too bad because we really would like our own place again. I knew this would happen when getting back, off the trail that is. Getting re-situated, re-civilized, is the hardest thing. Job, home, life, etc. Getting past all the bureaucracy is not fun. But if you want to have nice things, houses, cars, entertainment, health care, you have to play the game. You have to join the man. The trail is so simple. There is a shelter, do you want to stay there? Is there an empty spot? Ok, you can stay in the shelter or you can camp there. You don't need paperwork or a credit check. Hike, eat, sleep, repeat. Get gear and food when you need it. Have fun and don't get hurt. Well I guess I will have to start feeding the machine soon...
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